Welcome to WordPress

I’ve moved from Typepad to WordPress for a simple reason: paying for a blogging service  didn’t seem to make sense when something as flexible and user-friendly as WordPress was available for free.

I have been thinking about this move for some time now, but could not get over the inertia mostly due to lack of time. Until now, that is. I’m presently on a vacation in India, and this seemed a good time to take up the project. I’m happy not to have lost any of the comments – they are an important part of this journal – and I’ve additionally added category information to most of the posts dating back to 2003.

Welcome. I look forward to more posts, and more discussions.

5 thoughts on “Welcome to WordPress

  1. Good to see you here! I manage a slew of blogs at WP.com, and yeah, it’s simple economics. Though sometimes one chafes at the lack of coding freedom here, and Blogger starts to look pretty good – if only it weren’t such a splog farm.

  2. Hey Parmanu,

    You’ve been silent for real long. Good to see you back in action ! Hope you’ll be posting more frequently. The new format is quite stark a contrast to your previous one. Will take some getting used to !

  3. Dave, you’ve given me one more reason to feel good about moving to WordPress – Thank You! ( I missed the Haiku, though).

    Keya, thank you for your patience. Yes, I hope to post more often, at least during my vacation. (You’ll get used to the new format, I’m sure!)

  4. parmanu:

    just when some of us readers appreciated the switch from a dark background, here we go again …

    please move it back to a dark font on a light background – colour doesn’t matter! 🙂

    – s.b.

  5. s.b : There’s one good thing that comes out of switching to Black – it makes you comment!

    I’d like to stay with this template for a while. Please bear with me.

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